CEPT Agreement

Do you have your US ham license? If you answered “yes,” then you can operate in many places across Europe…

Okay, that was a dramatic oversimplification, but it is essentially true. European countries allow American ham radio operators to operate within their borders through reciprocity.

The CEPT, or the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations, consists of 46 member countries. The CEPT agreement facilitates communication for radio enthusiasts across different countries without the need for obtaining a new license every time they travel. A license grants permission from the government to use a radio. Typically, each country has its own set of rules and tests for issuing licenses to radio users. However, the CEPT agreement allows some countries to accept each other’s licenses, making it easier for radio users to visit and communicate across borders. This agreement also fosters skill development, information sharing, and emergency assistance among radio users.

To operate a ham radio under the CEPT agreement, you must meet the following requirements:

  1. You must have a valid amateur radio license from your home country that grants you CEPT privileges.
    • For U.S. Ham operators, you need to have an Advanced or Extra class license, or a General class license with some limitations.
  2. You must carry and provide upon request your passport, your original FCC license document, and a copy of the FCC Public Notice DA 16-10483.
    • This notice serves as your CEPT license and contains information in English, French, and German.
  3. You must adhere to the regulations and operating conditions of the host country, such as frequency bands, power limits, and station identification requirements.
  4. You must use the prefix of the host country followed by a slash and your home call sign;
    For example, EA8/KH9ABC for operators in Spain.

If you want some more information, the DRRL has some great information for visitors at the following link: https://www.darc.de/der-club/referate/ausland/english-version/visitors-to-dl/

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Posted February 3, 2024 by ham in category "Ham Radio", "Travel

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